Jürgen author

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • How to lose weight at home without following debilitating diets? Useful tips from nutritionists, features and principles of proper nutrition with a sample menu, the need to maintain water balance in the body, physical activity.
    8 October 2022
  • Kefir diet: general rules for compliance, varieties, contraindications, pros and cons, methods of preparing diet kefir, a table of allowed and prohibited foods. Recipes for dietary dishes based on kefir. Kefir diet reviews and results.
    27 June 2022
  • Proper diet for weight loss: basic principles, a list of allowed and prohibited foods, menus for weight loss for a week and for every day. Features of diet for different people. Matching recipes.
    28 September 2021
  • How to lose weight with buckwheat in a week, 3 days or 2 weeks? How do you make a menu without harming your health? What are the pros and cons of the buckwheat diet? Find out the answers from the article.
    23 September 2021
  • This article describes effective weight loss exercises. The result of losing weight is enhanced by regular exercise and aerobic exercise, as well as proper nutrition.
    23 September 2021